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DAY 2 (page 2 of 2): Sunday, August 9, 2015

Kevin congratulates our youngest paddlers for their efforts

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Welcome back to our fifteenth consecutive year of Kayaking for Cancer!

How your donations help

Thanks to people like you, the Canadian Cancer Society has channeled over $1.3 billion to cancer research since the 1940s. In that time, Canadians’ 5-year survival rate has increased from 25% to more than 60%.
In 2014, your donations enabled the Society to invest $44M in Canada’s most promising cancer research. Through donations, the Society was able to support 312 lead investigators and a total of 408 research projects and awards.


Bob, about to go under the bridge at Jones Falls

Uncle Mike checks the clearance under the bridge too.

Time for a swim after the portage around Jones Falls

The girls are about to cool off

The ground crew welcome the paddlers to tonight's stop, Davis Lock

Nicki & Bev serving tonight's meal

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Group 2015

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