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DAY 2 (page 1 of 2): Sunday, August 8, 2021

Uncle Mike addresses the group at Parker's Pavilion, Seeleys Bay

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Welcome back to our twenty first

Survival rates vary from low to high depending on the type of cancer. Based on 2012-2014 data:
The 5 year net survival rate for lung cancer is low (19%).
The 5 year net survival rate for colorectal cancer is about average (65%).
The 5 year net survival rate is high for prostate cancer (93%) and breast cancer (88%).

Listening to Uncle Mike at the kayak launch. Yes the geese were there too.

Getting ready to leave Lower Brewers (2017)

Lunch at Parker's Pavilion. (2008)

This year we had lunch at Jones Falls

At Davis Lock we remember those that we have lost.

Purple shirts. (2019)

Enjoying a meal at Jones Falls. (2012)
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Group 2020

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